YOP119: Write Your Way To A Life You Love with Jenny Beres

By May 19, 2018 Podcast Episode No Comments

Bio: Almost a decade ago, I put my foot down. That was it. I was never going to work for someone else again. I was also never going to accept the myth that as an aspiring screenwriter, I’d have to financially struggle or continue working in the service industry slinging eggs and burned bacon ‘til the day Hollywood scooped up one of my scripts.

My talent was worth way more than that and frankly so were the hours in my day.

And so, I transformed my last $75 into a six-figure freelance copywriting business. One that I work from home – or anywhere else in the world. I don’t ask for time off. My time is mine to travel, play, write, create – whatever I want, when I want.

Today, I’m all about helping YOU launch your own successful freelance writing business – so you can stop working for someone else and start living your own six-figure dream.